Extended Program
Joyful Learning and Play All Day

Program Overview
Working parents and guardians, we have you covered. Our Extended Program on the elementary campus begins at 7:30 a.m. for before school care, and at both campuses begins at the end of the regular school day and runs until 6 p.m. We offer a range of activities and classes – robotics, ceramics, karate, and jewelry making, for example. Your children will further their learning and develop lifelong friendships under the consistent care of our EP team. See below to learn more about our offerings and see sample programs, including enrichment classes, summer camps, and conference day care.
Tapscott Elementary School Extended Program

Daily activities include sports, cooperative games, arts and crafts, creative movement, musical theater, storytelling, and more! Our primary purpose is to balance the children’s need for guidance and supervision with the equally important need for spontaneity and self expression. It’s the play date without the driving!
Enrichment classes are taught by experienced teaching professionals who share their gifts and talents with the children weekly. Our current class session includes:
- Chess Challenge
- Judo
- Zimbabwean Ensemble
- STEM Fundamentals with Legos
- Coding Through Social Development
- Walking
- Sing, Drum Dance!
Classes run seasonally and in the past have included ceramics, chess, hip hop dance, homework club, improv and theater games, jewelry making and metalsmithing, karate, lego engineering, magic tricks, and yoga.
Avis Middle School Extended Program

The extended program begins in Room 1 at dismissal daily and ends in the library at 6:00 p.m. Activities include quiet study time to work on homework indoors as well as free time to enjoy recreation activities including outdoor play, board games, composting, and other fun social activities, primarily centered on the lower yard. Students start off their afternoon with a delicious healthy snack.
Avis students have multiple after school choices through the middle school drama program, athletics, the music program, and more. These options are free to join, and are managed by each program’s lead teacher. Due to this, the Avis catalog of enrichment classes is smaller, but still dynamic and fun! Past class offerings include coding, filmmaking, cooking, improv and Theater Games and yoga.
Extended Program
Unlimited hours of childcare at a fixed price. This is the least expensive alternative for families who average 6 hours or more of childcare per week. Important — This price includes teacher work days and parent conference days when classes are not in session as well as early dismissal days. There is no childcare, however, during school holidays or on the last day of the school year. Presidents’ Week mini-camp is available for an additional fee.
Families who do not choose to purchase the Annual Unlimited Plan can choose to prepay for their child’s time in after school (EP) on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Furthermore, you have the ability to prepay based on how long your child will be in EP.
- Tapscott – Dismissal until 4:30 p.m.: $20
- Tapscott – Dismissal until 6 p.m.: $40
- Avis – Dismissal until 5 p.m.: $20
- Avis – Dismissal until 6 p.m.: $35
Drop-in Care is available even if your child has never attended EP. When unexpected situations arise, such as missed carpools, traffic delays, late meetings, etc. students are escorted to EP, and drop-in care is charged at $20 + a $5 administrative fee if picked up by 4:30 and $40 + a $5 administrative fee if after 4:30.
The Extended Program concludes at 6 p.m. and all students should be picked up by that time. After 6 p.m., a late fee rate will be applied; it is $20.
Questions? Contact Extended Program Director Ashley Foster at 510-809-9013, or afoster@prospectsierra.org.