Pizza Day
Pizza Day is a longstanding tradition at Prospect Sierra made possible by parents’ monthly support. Thank you for keeping hearts and bellies full!
As educators, learners, and community partners, we lead with the knowledge that we are all connected and that our care for one another is essential to achieving mutual benefit and serving the greater good. This is how we define IMPACT at Prospect Sierra, one of our core values. Please enjoy the 2023-24 Impact Report and see how you, too, make an impact at Prospect Sierra every day.
Welcome from the Head of School & Board Chair
These are just some of the questions that we ask at Prospect Sierra in our respective roles as Head of School and Chair of our Board of Trustees. Whether we are setting next year’s tuition, contemplating a program change, or building relationships with children and adults, these questions are always present for us. And as we introduce our new Impact Report (formerly the Annual Report), we invite you to pay attention to all of the ways that you, your children, and your fellow families have made an impact in the PS community and in our shared world.
Specifically, during the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years, we leaned into these questions as we partnered to make impactful change. For example, we:
You all made impactful change happen as well! Whether you drove students somewhere new to experience the world outside of their community, served children pizza, logged some miles in our Move-a-thon, donated time to our Spring fundraiser, or stretched yourself to make a donation to the PS Annual Fund, you made an impact at Prospect Sierra, and we are grateful to you!
As leaders in this incredible school community, we know that the world will continue to throw us curve balls and that our greatest chance of solving complex problems relies on us doing the work together. Please take some time to read through this acknowledgment of the work we do to build a better world at Prospect Sierra. Thank you for all that you do!
Let's take a moment to celebrate the incredible collective power of giving! Whether you’ve shared your time, resources, or talents, you have all been instrumental in advancing our programs and initiatives. Thank you for making a real impact!
Your contributions have been the driving force behind sustaining our vibrant programs and sparking innovation throughout the year. Donations for 2023-24 surpassed $335,000—thank you!
Because of you, we are proud to provide two 6th-grade students with full funding for the 2024-25 school year. These three-year middle school grants open doors for students who might not otherwise have access to an independent school education. Our work continues, and this community will feel the ripple effect of your support for years to come!
You helped turn our Sow & Grow Second Chance Prom into a resounding success! Thanks to your generosity and partnership, more than $110,000 was raised in critical funds for our outdoor learning spaces. See full sponsorship list here.
You helped close the gap even more, sharing your creativity, joy, and talents with the community.
Your time, talent, and dedication truly define the spirit of PS! Every day, you enrich the lives of students and teachers alike, leaving a lasting impact.
Everyone plays a vital role in our journey towards a brighter future. Let’s continue to build a school community that clearly reflects our values of love, justice, innovation, and impact.
The best part about being a Pizza Day Coordinator is witnessing the JOY both students and teachers alike have when Pizza Day comes. Rain or shine, the excitement on campus is palpable and makes all the work leading up to Pizza Day worth it. We get to feed our kids and sneak a peek into their school lives. I love it! – Neeka Young, 4th grade parent
I started participating when my twin granddaughters were at Prospect Sierra. The students are always engaged, making it fun to recall early memories and research my early years. I was four when WWII began, and my parents were recent immigrants from Denmark, so many of my presentations focused on my family’s experience during the war. The WWII project was truly enjoyable! – Marilyn Willats, interviewee
For over 20 years, a teacher from Berkeley’s Center for Early Intervention on Deafness (CEID) has driven weekly to Prospect Sierra to teach sign language to 3rd graders, while PS 3rd graders visit CEID to play with younger, deaf and hard of hearing children. This mutually impactful partnership helps students understand and appreciate differences. “One of the joys I see is how our kids adapt to meet the needs of others with physical, social, and emotional differences, gaining a healthy understanding of what it means to be both different and the same.” – Annie Fujimoto, 3rd grade teacher
Last spring, I volunteered in two African countries, living with local families, working on a conservancy, and starting a girls’ soccer team. In Nungua, Ghana, I helped at a medical clinic facing frequent power outages that affected refrigeration. I organized a fundraiser to buy a generator, which greatly improved the clinic’s ability to store vaccines and run essential equipment. I plan to continue my work with the soccer team and explore ways to bring clean water and scholarships to a school in Akropong. – Ali Forbush ‘22
Each year, 6th graders design wind turbine blades to generate electricity by experimenting with variables like size, shape, material, and pitch. They measure results using a multimeter attached to a generator. Some students participate in the KidWind event at Cal Maritime, where a 3’x3’ wind tunnel tests and tracks each turbine’s energy capture. The top performers are invited to the national KidWind event. Prospect Sierra students have traveled to Chicago (2018), Houston (2019), and Minneapolis (2024). Congratulations, students!
Annual Fund donors
Faculty and staff sent to the NAIS People of Color Conference (PoCC)
TK and elementary students that participate in drama productions
Volunteers that came together to power Pizza Day
Ice cream scoops served at Frosty Paws
Funds raised for operating budget and outdoor learning spaces
Middle school electives offered
Notes of kindness created by 2nd graders
Volunteer hours that fueled the success of this year’s Panther Picnic
Burgers eaten at Panther Picnic
Bags of groceries packed for The Black Neighborhood’s Annual Turkey Drive
Lbs of bunny food eaten by PS bunnies, Sunset and Midnight
Pizza Day is a longstanding tradition at Prospect Sierra made possible by parents’ monthly support. Thank you for keeping hearts and bellies full!
Thank you to our hardworking scoopers and toppers who make our Frosty Paws a special back-to-school treat for all families!
Experiential learning is a cornerstone of Prospect Sierra education! Thanks to all of our caregivers and parents for chaperoning these trips.
Our community roared into action this spring at the Sow & Grow fundraiser. Thanks to the incredible teamwork of families and alumni, our collective PS power blossomed brighter than ever!
Whether it’s colab, art, or any other classroom setting, thank you for lending a helping hand to enhance our students’ day-to-day education.
Our 8th grade graduation ceremony and reception last year was heartwarming! Upholding a beloved school tradition, dedicated 7th grade parent volunteers served refreshments during this heartwarming milestone – thank you!
This list reflects board committee membership for 2024-2025
6 monarch butterflies
Visionaries $15,000+
8 poppy flowers
Innovators $10,000-$14,999
2 redbud trees
Head’s Circle $7,500-$9,999
15 deergrass bunches
Creators $3,000-$7,499
574 topsoil
Builders: Gifts up to $2,999
Cash gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law, and may be made with cash, checks, or credit card. You may visit the school’s website at www.prospectsierra.org/giving to make an online gift as well. The Development Office is available to help you set up a pledge payment schedule to fit your family’s needs.
A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) allows you to make charitable gifts from funds managed by a DAF custodian. You will initiate the transfer through your DAF administrator and provide them with Prospect Sierra’s TAX ID number (EIN): 94-2940144.
Give stock, securities, or mutual funds and potentially receive tax deductions while avoiding capital gains taxes. Contact development@prospectsierra.org for instructions.
Gifts in memory of a friend or family member or in honor of a special occasion may be made to the Annual Fund or the fund of your choice. Please contact the Development Office at (510) 809-9012 with any questions.
Prospect Sierra accepts planned or deferred gifts through life insurance, charitable trusts, and bequests. A donor may wish to consider these options as a way to reduce or avoid estate and inheritance taxes while securing the future of the school. Please contact the Development Office at (510) 809-9012 if you’re interested in including Prospect Sierra in your estate plans.